
Tonight while Payton was going to sleep, she leaned over and out of nowhere says:

"Mommy, sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and play with my toys."

The other day I was talking to Payton about starting school. I was asking if she was nervous about anything and she said:

"I'm sad I'm leaving you."

Oh she sure knows how to melt my heart.


Matt and Payton just got done watching wrestling and Matt decided to play wrestle with Payton, basically just tickle her. And while uncontrollably laughing she says:

"Daddy John Cena said 'Don't try this at home."


Payton was taking a shower and wanted to use my shampoo. When she smelled it she said:

"Mommy how can you live with this everyday? It smells so good I want to eat it!"


Tonight while Payton was going to sleep she was trying to tell me what she wanted for breakfast. I wasn't understanding and was getting upset so Payton said:

"If you're not understanding me, we can just talk about it in the morning."


I was talking to Matt on the phone and apparently Payton was getting very hungry. When I got off the phone with Matt Payton said:

"Mommy did you hear what I said?"

I replied with "You want Honey Nut Cheerios."

"Yeah! You must be blind or something."

I am pretty sure she meant deaf, but either way apparently I was not moving fast enough for her.


The other night Payton went poop and I asked her how it went. This was her answer:

"Do you really want the answer to that question. Well here it is, BIG!"
Payton came up with a new joke, here it is:

"LOL, holla."

Yeah that is the joke no punch line just that. It does manage to make me laugh every time.
Here is how a conversations with Matt and Payton went down tonight:

Matt- "Maybe I should just punch you in the face." I know that sounds bad, but it's just play.

"It starts tomorrow." Payton said very serious like.

"What." Matt replied very confused.

"The fight!" Payton replied very confidently.


Payton was explaining the dynamics of a marriage to us today. Apparently this is how it goes:

"The wife says that they should go somewhere but the man says no and so the wife says that's fine but we are going anyways."

Sounds about right to me.


Payton is a major nail biter. Today she got the better of herself and made her finger nail bleed. She pretty much thought she was dying and I couldn't do anything but laugh. She didn't think it was very funny and had a major melt down which included some of the following outbursts, all as crying uncontrollably.

"It's not funny!!"

"I'm going to lose all my blood, then you won't be laughing!"

"You need to take better care of me more!"

"You are NOT calling anyone!!!" This was as she saw me calling her dad.
Payton has been kind of sick for the past few days so I haven't let her have cereal for breakfast. She obviously really wants some cereal. So today she said:

"If my tummy doesn't feel sick or yucky tomorrow..."

"You get cereal with milk" I interupted

"Yep. Then congratulations to me!"


Payton's new reply to just about any event is:

"Oh man, I didn't see that coming."


Payton was looking through some books that we got from the library when she saw one of Matt's that was an actual reading book, not just a picture book. She said:

"Daddy why do you have a reading book? Are you going to learn how to read?"


Payton and I were supposed to go have fun today but I woke up not feeling very well so I told her we wouldn't be going. She said fine. So I brushed it off. Then we came up stairs and she said:

"Mommy did you hear what I said when you said we could go? I said 'Fine'" With a huge sigh and shoulder shrug. Then she went on to say: "It kind of breaks my heart."
I was telling Payton that something was super old to which she said:

"What, from like the '80's?"


Matt had a late night at work last night so Payton didn't get to see him. So this morning I heard her wake up and walk up and down the stairs a couple times. Then she came in and asked where her daddy was. I told her he was at work. She looked up with tears in her eyes and voice crackling and said:

"Is he ever coming home?"


Payton was hopping around on one foot, I asked her why. She said

"I'm training."

I'm not sure for what but o.k.
Payton was playing Angry Birds on Matt's iPod touch when she said:

"Mommy I've got to tell you something. Angry Birds is amazing!"