
Tonight I was telling Payton to pick up her toys. She looked over at with me a little bit of the devil in her eyes and said:

"Look at me! Look at my face. It's not smiling!!"
Today I was talking to Payton about her wart and what her doctor said to do. She tells me:

"Mommy I don't want to believe my doctor."


I asked Payton if daddy was ready to go for a walk. She said:

"No. He has his panties on. Panties, panties, panties."
Payton walked up to me yesterday and said:

"Mommy you'll never believe this. Daddy is being mean to me."

I am pretty sure he told her to do something.
Payton was getting off my lap the other day and turned around and said:

"Mommy I feel like I'm 5 years old."