
Today we were discussing looking through Paytons toys tomorrow to get rid of some to which she said:

"But tomorrow is my birthday. And I don't have to do anything on my birthday."


Today talking about Payton's up coming birthday Payton said to me:

"Mommy I bet when I turn 5 I'm going to be like 'What! I don't feel like I'm 4 anymore."

I said "Do you think being 5 will feel different?"

She replied "Yeah."

"What do you think it will feel like?" I said. To which she said:

"I don't know like getting a surprise."


Payton and I were talking about animal noises and she asked
"Well how does a pig talk."
I said they oink.
"Do they have teeth?" She then asked.
I said yes, to which she said
"Well if they have teeth then they talk."


We were discussing the trip we took to Disneyland a couple of years ago and Payton was talking about rides she liked and more importantly didn't like. This is what she had to say about the Matterhorn Ride:

"You know the one with the monster with the colored eyes that jumped out. Goodness gracious that was scary."