
Matt was trying to get Payton to eat, she went in got a bite and came back and said:

"I got a bite in my mouth now, SUCKA!"

If she didn't watch wrestling with Matt then she wouldn't even know these words, so I can't feel bad for him.


Payton was standing in front of our fish tank and in her deepest, most daddy like voice she says:

"Hey, hungry guys?"
We were sitting in the living room and out of nowhere Payton says:

"Only sandwiches have lettuce."

I then asked her what she meant and she replied:

"Sandwiches have lettuce and tomatoes."



Payton wanted to go for a bike ride this morning. It snowed last night. When I told her this she said:

"Mommy, just get some snow tires."


Payton fell asleep on our drive, at about 6:30 p.m. I woke her up and said:

"Payton you need to wake up so that you can go to sleep tonight."

To which she replied:

"I want to go tired now."

She then fell asleep about two seconds later.
Driving home from Moab today Payton was getting tired. She looks up at me and says:

"Mommy will you be quiet please?!"

I asked "Why?"

"I'm trying to go to sleep!" she relpied.

A minute later Matt was talking and she said:

"Daddy, just please!"

Then Matt and I started laughing she shot us a dirty look and said: